
The Grumbach lab studies Calcium- and reactive oxygen species-dependent pathways in smooth muscle and endothelium that contribute to vascular wall disease, for example in hypertension, atherosclerosis and after mechanical or chemical injury.

Dr. Grumbach administers a lab of research scientists, post-docs, junior faculty, technicians, and pre-docs with diverse skills and interests who work collectively as a team. The lab also collaborates with other labs and investigators within the University of Iowa and in the US.

Feature Article

Loss of MCU prevents mitochondrial fusion in G1-S phase and blocks cell cycle progression and proliferation. Olha M. Koval, Emily K. Nguyen, Velarchana Santhana, Trevor P. Fidler, Sara C. Sebag, Tyler P. Rasmussen, Dylan J. Mittauer, Stefan Strack, Prabhat C. Goswami, E. Dale Abel, and Isabella M. Grumbach. Sci Signal. 2019 Apr 30;12(579). pii: eaav1439. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aav1439.

Summary | Abstract | Reprint